This bike started in boxes and finished in perfection. This Techflex project was envisioned by Bill Dermody III and John Holms and worked on for the better part of a year. This BSA has been a part of the family for many years but lived many of its years in boxes. The classic 71 lightning was a popular British import and one of the last BSAs produced before they went out of production in 1973. One of its unique features includes the oil filled frame design. This bike was completely rewired and utilized Flexo Clean Cut sleevings to protect the wiring from problems inherent in the Lucas electrical system. The bike starts and runs like a champ and is being ridden by longtime friend and BSA enthusiast Matt Mercier in Gainesville Florida.
1971 650 BSA Lightning
Owner: Bill Dermody III, Sparta, New Jersey
Builder: John Holms, Budd Lake, New Jersey